Playback / Loop modes

You can change the playback mode using the playback mode toggle.

Toggle loop mode button

Replayer supports the following playback modes:

Play track

is the default and just plays through a whole track. At the end, the cursor returns to the selected cue, if any.

Loop track

loops a whole track infinitely. When looping, no fade occurs.

Play cue

plays through the selected cue, then pauses (with fade if configured) after the cue's duration. The cursor returns to the selected cue, if any.
This mode is especially useful when you need time to prepare between repetitions of a part.

Loop cue

infinitely loops a single cue. When looping, no fade occurs.
This mode is intended for practicing a smaller part of a piece repeatedly.


After selecting the current cue, this mode allows to select an arbitrary, subsequent cue , that gets scheduled for playback. Once the current cue finishes, the scheduled cue is immediately invoked, becoming the currently selected cue. The scheduled cue is indicated with a flashing border.
This mode is useful when you want to rehearse parts of your music in arbitrary order or with arbitrary repetitions.

Loop compilation

infinitely loops the whole compilation. This is intended to rehearse all tracks in their proper order.

Shuffle compilation

infinitely loops the whole compilation in a random order.